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Call for Posters and Demos

Posters and Demo Tracks

Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI2025) is the fourth international conference focusing on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence.

The Posters and Demos Track complements the research track of the conference and offers an opportunity to present late-breaking results and showcase innovative implementations in an informal and interactive setting. During the Poster and Demo session, authors are encouraged to directly connect with conference participants and engage in discussions about their work. 

We invite submissions relevant to Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, as specified by the list of reported topics. We also welcome work that has already been published in other places but that can be of interest to the HHAI community.

Authors of the research papers accepted for the Research track are explicitly invited to present their work via a poster or a demonstration in the Poster and Demo session to further discuss their work with the community and expand their network with other researchers.

Important dates

Submission due: March 24, 2025

Notifications:  April 18th, 2025

Camera ready version (extended abstract): May 2nd, 2025

HHAI2024 will take placeJune 9-13, 2025

All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (anywhere on Earth).


We invite research on different challenges in Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence. The following list of topics is illustrative, not exhaustive:

  • Human-AI interaction, interpretation and collaboration

  • Adaptive human-AI co-learning and co-creation

  • Learning, reasoning and planning with humans and machines in the loop

  • User modeling and personalisation

  • Integration of learning and reasoning

  • Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI

  • Fair, ethical, responsible, and trustworthy AI

  • Societal awareness of AI

  • Multimodal machine perception of real-world settings

  • Social signal processing

  • Representations learning for Communicative or Collaborative AI

  • Symbolic representations for human-centric AI

  • Human-AI Coevolution

  • Foundation models and humans

  • Human cognition-aware AI

  • Decentralized human-AI systems

  • Reliability and robustness in human-AI systems

  • Applications of hybrid human-AI intelligence


We welcome contributions about all types of technology, from robots and conversational agents to multi-agent systems and machine learning models.

Submission Details

Authors should submit an up-to two-page (excluding references and a list of requirements and equipment for the intended demo) extended abstract for evaluation. All submissions must be written in English, using the PDF file format, following the IOS formatting guidelines, and submitted electronically via the Easychair submission system.

Demonstration papers should present mature or prototype systems in which practical HHAI problems are addressed. The submissions should clearly define the purpose, scope, and audience. All submissions should provide a URL to a live online version of their demo or, alternatively, provide a URL to a video showcasing the main features of their demo. 

Poster submissions should describe late-breaking research results, on-going research projects, or work-in-progress relevant to HHAI. Additional links to relevant resources are encouraged to be included in the submission

Authors must indicate if their submission is a Poster or Demo paper. The submissions should not be anonymised. Each submission will be reviewed by 2 members of the Program Committee during the reviewing process. 

Accepted two-page poster & demo papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence. All accepted papers will also be available on the conference website. Authors are encouraged to upload complementary materials (e.g. images, videos) which will be available via the conference website. Accepted demos will have to provide a final version of their videos two weeks before the conference.

At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the Poster/Demo Session to present the work.


Francesca Naretto
(University of Pisa, Italy)

Francesco Giannini
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)

Maaike de Boer
(Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Netherlands)

For any questions, please contact the demos and posters chairs via poster@hhai-conference.org .