Welcome to HHAI2024!
The pre-conference program (Mon+Tue) will take place at Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1), and the main conference (Wed-Fri) at Orkanen (Room OR:D138, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, Malmö).
More information in the HHAI2024 Conference Booklet.
Workshops, tutorials, and the doctoral consortium will take place on Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. For more information on the pre-conference program and a detailed description of all events, see the overview of all accepted workshops and tutorials as well as the Doctoral Consortium. Some of these events are also part of the HHAI Summer School.
The main conference and keynotes will take place from Wednesday to Friday (June 12-14) as a single-track conference in room OR:D138 (Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, Malmö).
Conference Program Overview
Both the Welcome Reception (Tue, June 11 at 17:30) and the Gala Dinner (Wed, June 12 at 18:30) will take place in the Atrium at Niagara.
This is the preliminary program of the conference. Please note that times and sessions are still subject to changes.
Detailed Program
For main track full papers (full paper), 25 minutes are allocated. Blue-sky track (blue-sky) and working papers (working) have 15 minutes each. When preparing their presentations, authors are asked to consider time for questions as well.
The posters and demos will be presented during the coffee breaks on Wednesday and Thursday, starting at 10:15 and 15:30.
See the detailed workshop and tutorials program for Monday and Tuesday.
June 12, Wednesday
Opening Session (9:00-9:15)
Andreas Jacobsson (Pro-vice-chancellor for Education and Digitalization, Malmö University)
Keynote: Fosca Giannotti (9:15-10:15)
Session 1 – LLMs and HI (11:00-13:00)
Trust in AI Chatbots: The Perceived Expertise of ChatGPT in Subjective and Objective Tasks (full paper)
By Maike Ramrath, Alisa Scharmann, Annika Ridder, Tristan Kühn, Sophie Weller and Nicole Krämer
Unreflected Acceptance – Investigating the Negative Consequences of ChatGPT-Assisted Problem Solving in Physics Education (full paper)
By Lars Krupp, Steffen Steinert, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Karina E. Avila, Paul Lukowicz, Jochen Kuhn, Stefan Küchemann and Jakob Karolus
LLM-Augmented Agent-Based Modelling for Social Simulations: Challenges and Opportunities (blue-sky)
By Önder Gürcan
Exploring Large Language Models Capabilities to Explain Decision Trees (working)
By Paulo Bruno Serafim, Pierluigi Crescenzi, Gizem Gezici, Eleonora Cappuccio, Salvatore Rinzivillo and Fosca Giannotti
LLM generated word association norms (working)
By Katherine Abramski, Clara Lavorati, Giulio Rossetti and Massimo Stella
Towards Effective Management of Verbal Probability Expressions Using a Co-learning Approach (working)
By Christian Fleiner and Joost Vennekens
Session 2 – Trust and HI (14:00-15:30)
Formal Specification of Actual Trust in Multiagent Systems (full paper)
By Michael Akintunde, Vahid Yazdanpanah, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, Corina Cirstea, Mehdi Dastani and Luc Moreau
The Influence of Interdependence on Trust Calibration in Human-Machine Teams (full paper)
By Ruben Verhagen, Alexandra Marcu, Mark Neerincx and Myrthe Tielman
Human-AI Engineering for Adults (blue-sky)
By André Meyer-Vitali and Wico Mulder
Evaluating Generative AI Incidents: an Exploratory Vignette Study on the Role of Trust, Attitude and AI Literacy (working)
By Esther Kox and Beatrice Beretta
Discovery Workshop – Advancing Sustainable Development Goals (16:30-17:30)
More information on the Discovery Workshops can be found here.
June 13, Thursday
Keynote: Mark Riedl (9:00-10:15)
Session 3 – Humans and HI (11:00-13:00)
Investigating Labeler Bias in Face Annotation for Machine Learning (full paper)
By Luke Haliburton, Sinksar Ghebremedhin, Robin Welsch, Albrecht Schmidt and Sven Mayer
Exploring the Dynamic Nature of Trust Using Interventions in a Human-AI Collaborative Task (full paper)
By Sachini Weerawardhana, Michael Akintunde and Luc Moreau
In Search of Clarity: Discerning Between Human Replacement and Augmentation (blue-sky)
By Costanza Alfieri, Martina De Sanctis, Donatella Donati and Paola Inverardi
Assisting Users in Privacy Conflicts with Partially Observable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (working)
By Hüseyin Aydın
Using Default Logic to Create Adaptable User Models for Behavior Support Agents (working)
By Johanna Wolff, Victor de Boer, Dirk Heylen and M. Birna van Riemsdijk
An Interactive Interface For Feature Space Navigation (working)
By Eleonora Cappuccio, Isacco Beretta, Marta Marchiori Manerba and Salvatore Rinzivillo
Session 4 – HI Interactions (14:00-15:30)
“Computer, Generate!” – Investigating User-Controlled Generation of Immersive Virtual Environments (full paper)
By Carina Liebers, Niklas Pfützenreuter, Jonas Auda, Uwe Gruenefeld and Stefan Schneegass
Effective Maintenance of Computational Theory of Mind for Human-AI Collaboration (working)
By Emre Erdogan, Frank Dignum and Rineke Verbrugge
Common Ground Provides a Mental Shortcut in Agent-Agent Interaction (working)
By Ramira van der Meulen, Rineke Verbrugge and Max van Duijn
Building a Stronger Case: Combining Evidence and Law in Scenario-Based Bayesian Networks (working)
By Ludi van Leeuwen, Bart Verheij, Rineke Verbrugge and Silja Renooij
Semantic and Composable Glyphs to Represent AI Systems (working)
By Alexis Ellis, Brandon Dave, Hugh Salehi, Cogan Shimizu and Subhashini Ganapathy
Discovery Workshop – Methods for Hybrid Intelligence (16:30-17:30)
More information on the Discovery Workshops can be found here.
June 14, Friday
Keynote: Anastasia Varava (9:00-10:15)
Session 5 – HI Applications (11:00-13:00)
Hybrid Intelligence in Academic Writing: Examining Self-Regulated Learning Patterns in AI-Assisted Writing (full paper)
By Andy Nguyen, Faith Ilesanmi, Belle Dang, Eija Vuorenmaa and Sanna Järvelä
TA Conversational Agent for Structured Diary Construction Enabling Monitoring of Functioning & Well-being (working)
By Piek Vossen, Selene Baez Santamaria and Thomas Baier
Beyond Skills: The Role of Values in Job Seeking in the Era of Industry 5.0 (working)
By Ajaya Adhikari, Quirine Smit, Joost A.G.M. van Genabeek, Steven Dhondt and Cor J. Veenman
Empathic AI for Dementia Care: Using Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Interventions Support in Eating and Drinking Scenarios (working)
By Wen-Tseng Chang, Shihan Wang, Stephanie Kramer, Michel Oey and Somaya Ben Allouch
Human-AI Collaboration in Smart Manufacturing: Concepts and Framework for Design (working)
By Maria Hartikainen, Guna Spurava and Kaisa Väänänen
Human-Aware Planning for Situational Awareness in Indoor Police Interventions (working)
By Joost Vossers, Andreas Brännström, Erik Borglund, Jonas Hansson and Juan Carlos Nieves
Session 6 – Digital Humanities/Society and HI (14:00-15:30)
Assessing the HI-ness of Virtual Heritage applications with Knowledge Engineering (full paper)
By Delaram Javdani Rikhtehgar, Ilaria Tiddi, Shenghui Wang, Stefan Schlobach and Dirk Heylen
Hybrid Intelligence for Digital Humanities (blue-sky)
By Victor de Boer and Lise Stork
The Eve of AI: Reclaiming Womanhood Through Co-Design With Artificial Intelligence (blue-sky)
By Sangeetha Ramanath
Playing the Imitation Game: Human-AI Simulators in Pedagogic Design (working)
By Florentina Armaselu