H3AI: Collaborative Fake News Detection
June 3rd – June 12th online
June 13th – June 14th @HHAI conference
The hackathon revolves around the theme of detecting fake news, i.e., articles containing false or misleading information. This is a task where AI can help experts go through vast amounts of data of various modalities such as texts, images, video and meta-data. However, it is also a task where it is profoundly difficult to create an AI for as it often not a clear cut choice what information is false. We envision an approach where domain experts and AI system collaborate in detecting fake news.
The team that develops the most creative, feasible and impactful concept will win 1.000€ and will get the chance of continuing the idea in a follow-up project together with TNO and the industry. Furthermore, there will be plenty of opportunities for each team to expand their network.
The hackathon is part virtual and part physical. It starts on June 3rd with a virtual kick-off, this is ten days before the physical HHAI 2022 conference. In the following days, each team is free to ideate and work on their ideas as much as each team wants. On June 13th, the first day of the HHAI conference, a full day at the conference venue is organized for each team to finalize their ideas and proof of concept. On June 14th an event will be held where each team can pitch their idea and show their proof of concept. During a networking event, the winning team will be announced.
For more information, see the hackathon’s website: http://www.h3ai.nl
Published results can be found as part of the proceedings.
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